So I'm surfing the web and I come across a website (I shall not disclose the name less legal action be taken against me for expressing my opinion) and I can't believe how...naive, cynical, sexist, and just plain stupid it is. I understand expression and the fact that we are all entitled to free speech and press as dictated to myself and countless of first graders across the nation in the first amendment; What I do not understand is how a website (I believe was created for fun) could have taken such a reckless and assuming turn.
It's fine to debate the facts about relationships or politics or even the end of the world but for goodness sakes do it with a bit of credibility. As I was reading I felt like I was reading something written, about a year ago. If you're going to post a fact then cite your source. I'm not saying limit what you have to say but present your information with a bit of knowledge and tact. I don't know why this website upset me so much. It was fine and "fun" as far as the site's main audience draw was concerned but come on, if you're going to blather on about tons of theories about the end of the world or why women suck at least put up your sources so that other people can make educated opinions about what you've written. Or in the case of the latter more than simply one experience. Perhaps even some testimonials from some readers or friends.
I honestly don't know why this site upset me so much! I've seen many blogs and sites dealing with pure conjecture and opinion but the way this one was was as if someone literally read the first few lines of a few articles and wrote out lengthy paragraphs about what they thought was the truth. Then of course there was the blatant slander against women.
Now, I'm the first to admit that women are hard to live with. I'm a young woman in my twenties and I know that we can be manipulative, controlling, cruel, shameless, jealous, critical, superior (not in the good way), and even a little crazy but come on. The same thing could be said about men. To attack women so vehemently is just stupid. The lines I read in the "defense" of this so called list were conceived by what sounded like singled-handed experiences that all of a sudden define the gender of women all together.
I could also be wrong in my opinion but I have never presumed to write a lengthy blog spewed purely from the fringe of research, the edge of truth, or even the faintest touch of limited experience.
No one's perfect (seriously) but would it kill people to go back and read what they've written at least once just to make sure that "for" doesn't come out as "or"?
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