I've always lived in a world where people don't care about what's going on around them. By "around them" I mean the world, not the girl from down the street who slept with the guy from the next town over who's going out with their cousin's sister's best friend who has a kid fathered by her boyfriend's step-brother. Things happen: Hurrican Katrina, 9-11, earthquake in Haiti, possible Tsunami in Hawaii; and they could care less. Why? Because they don't have to care, according to them.
The past couple of days I've been watching and reading posts, tweets, news articles and broadcasts about the oil spill in the gulf and almost everyone that I've seen has yet to mention anything about it. They don't discuss the news because it's not a fad yet. It took about a week before Haiti really gained any "popularity" among the general public and even then most people could only talk about some guy talking about how Haiti deserved it.
I try to incorporate as much green as possible into my life. We only get one chance at this life and only one chance at making this place a better place not for our children, but for ourselves.
I've been trying to make sense of this place we call home. The days are getting hotter, the winters are getting colder and harsher, the spring isn't lasting as long as it use to, and fall has almost permanently melded itself in with summer.
I honestly don't know what else to say. I want to sit quietly and glare at everyone that passes by but at the same time I want to shout out at the top of my lungs. I want to cry and I want to scream. Just this morning I read an article on the five most polluted cities and they were all in California!
What has to happen to provoke a change?
*sigh* I feel the same way about a lot of things.. this issue included [and the law they're trying to pass in Arizona].
ReplyDeleteThat's a whole other blog that I don't think I could get through! Grr!