Saturday, June 11, 2011

Depressing Moments

     I've been having a lot of sad moments lately. Mostly it's feeling...not left out...sort of forgotten. I keep wanting to move away but I never do. Then I have that feeling that others give of that I've done something wrong. Most of it comes from other people being passive aggressive towards me. I'm not complaining I'm simply stating a fact.  It happens. Which is why I keep wanting to move away. Start anew. But I do have positive aspect in my life. People who make me feel welcome and the case may be.
     Perhaps it is just for this moment but...I am not happy. I need a space for myself. Somewhere that I know I belong, somewhere I know that I can be and simply be me. Where I can think and just pass through time as I am supposed to. I want to finish my books and I keep trying to finish but there is something keeping me from it. And it's not writer's block. It's a wall. A looming brick wall that has obscured my path so effectively that I cannot see an end on either side. But maybe it's like Labyrinth. Maybe I can just talk to a cute little worm and then find a hidden path in the bricks?

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